Home of the Falcons

We are a school community of curious, independent learners who think critically, communicate effectively and use problem-solving skills to persevere through challenges

We are a school community committed to being active citizens who are socially responsible and engage in community partnerships that enrich and benefit the world around us.

Falcons Fly Forever!

Falcon mascot standing infront of the building with excitement

News from the Nest

  • FIRST Robotics team photo
    Mar 10, 2025 · Bow High School

    News from the Nest: 3/9/25

    Hello Everyone. Although last week was the first week back from vacation it was a busy one for students and staff. Many of our student-athletes were involved in playoff games, the cast and crew of “Mean Girls” were rehearsing music and choreography, and our robotics teams were gearing up for more competitions to name just a few. This week promises to be just as busy, highlighted by a visit from world renowned pianist Ilya Yakushev at our school meeting on Friday.

    Please let me know if you need anything and have a great week.

    Youth Risk Behavior Survey

    On Wednesday, March 12th, BHS students will be participating in the New Hampshire Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). The YRBS is a survey of students in grades 9 through 12 that assesses priority health-risk behaviors, including (1) behaviors that result in unintentional injuries and violence; (2) tobacco use; (3) alcohol and other drug use; (4) sexual behaviors that could contribute to HIV infection, other sexually transmitted diseases, and unintended pregnancies; (5) unhealthy dietary behaviors; (6) physical inactivity; and (7) risk behavior perception and family support.

    According to the state, “the YRBS is an important tool for measuring the health of New Hampshire’s youth. The majority of New Hampshire public high schools have long recognized the value of YRBS data to monitor health risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death, disability, and social problems among youth in our state. This valid, longitudinal data is used to assess the effectiveness of prevention and intervention programs and to procure additional funding for issues identified by the survey to best serve youth and communities across the state.”

    If you do not want to have your student participate in the survey please have this form returned to their school counselor: YRBS Opt Out. Additionally, if a student starts the survey and decides not to finish it, they can end at any time. This survey is strictly confidential.

    Messages for Juniors and their Families

    This past week Juniors received a couple of messages. The first was about the required state testing (SATs) and can be read here: Message to 11th Grade. Juniors will take the SAT with the writing prompt (the NH English and math tests) on Wednesday, April 9th, and the NHSAS (state science test) on Wednesday, May 21st. There is no need to register; all juniors are automatically registered as part of the mandated State Accountability Testing.

    The BHS Math Department will be offering another SAT Math Prep session during flex on Friday, 3/14, in room 2216.  Everyone is welcome to join!  Practice materials will be provided. 

    The second message came from the School Counseling Department inviting families to attend a College & Career Information night Thursday at 6:00PM: 11th Grade College & Career Night

    MISSION DAY is Coming to Bow High School!

    Get ready for an exclusive, hands-on experience like no other! On Wednesday, March 19th, the New Hampshire National Guard will bring Mission Day to Bow High School during our next FLEX Day. We are one of only four schools nationwide selected to host this cutting-edge event—don’t miss out!

    What’s in Store?

    • Virtual Reality Simulator – Step into action-packed scenarios!
    • Firefighting Training – Feel the heat of a real emergency.
    • First Aid & CPR – Learn lifesaving techniques.
    • Night Vision Rescue Operations – Navigate in total darkness!
    • Decontamination Training – Experience real-world safety protocols.

    The Logistics

    • Where: Bow High School Gymnasium
    • When: Wednesday, March 19th | 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM
    • Who Can Participate? Students 14 years and older with a signed waiver form (click here) required for participation.  

    Watch the two-minute video and learn more! Mission Day Video

    Join us for this one-of-a-kind, immersive experience and see if you have what it takes to handle high-stakes rescue missions! Thank you for your support—see you at Mission Day! 

    Introduction to the College Process for 9th and 10th grade students

    Our awesome School Counseling Department is hosting an information session on Tuesday for families of 9th and 10th grade students. Here is information on how to attend (virtually): Early College Planning

    Summer Competency Recovery

    Summer Competency Recovery, for those who fail a required course, will be June 24th through June 27th.  Recovery will take place in two sessions each day. Session 1 goes from 7:30 - 11:00 (Math). Session 2 goes from 11:30 - 3:00 (Science). Humanities will meet in either Session 1 or 2 depending on who has signed up. Students must attend each day, for the full length of time, to be able to recover their competencies and credit. Failure to be present for the duration makes them ineligible to receive credit and they will be required to repeat the course. Please note that this is a different program from previous years.

    To be invited to attend recovery, a student must have earned a 60% or higher in the course. Not meeting this threshold will require retaking the course. Any exceptions to this must be approved by Academic Dean Svea Schreiner.

    Spring Athletic Eligibility

    Before we know it, Spring Athletics will be starting up. Here is the link to register if you have not already done so: Athletics Registration. We will be doing an academic eligibility check for Spring Athletes on Friday, the 14th. Students need to be passing 4 credits to be eligible to participate.

    BHS Students Earn #1 Seed in Financial Literacy Competition

    Congratulations to our business students who qualified for the 2025 FinLit300 State Championship on April 2nd to be held at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, NH.  This is a great opportunity for our students; good luck!


    Students, please remember to have your ID with you if you would like to exit the building for Open Campus. We require this to help keep the building safe.

    Student School Board Representatives

    Students in grades 9-11 are invited to run for student school board representative. This is an excellent way to participate in local government and influence decisions impacting schools. Please click this link for more information: Student School Board Elections

    Babysitting on March 14th

    In an effort to help families come out to the meeting on March 14th the Student Senate is offering babysitting at BHS. Please pass along the word to anyone with younger children. Thank you.

    First Robotics Competition

    Last weekend, FRC Team 8708 Ov3R1y K0Mp13X from the Dunbarton and Bow Robotics 4-H Club competed in their first event of the season at the Granite State District Competition. The team worked hard and played very competitively, finishing as the 8th-seed Alliance Captain and selecting two other teams to compete alongside them in the playoffs. They ended the event as the 5th-place alliance—a fantastic achievement!

    In addition to their strong performance on the field, the team also impressed the judges, winning the Imagery Award for their outstanding design and team identity.

    We are also excited to share that one of our students, Ben Watford, was recognized for leadership and has advanced in the Dean’s List Award process. They will compete at the District Championship for a chance to become a Dean’s List Finalist.

    Students on the team are: Gabe Abberton, Allison Baier, Derek Baier, Madison Barrett, Leland Bourque, Carter Brennan, Ross Brennan, Teddy Hood, Brian Vance and Ben Watford

    Message from Bow PTO

    Bow PTO invites you to join us at Speed Puzzling, a parent's night out on March 21st!  Teams of up to 4 race to finish their 500 piece puzzle first.  Join up with your friends, or come as spectators to cheer on your team!  Cost is $40 per team.  Light refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase.  See sign up genius for more details! 


    In the Classroom

    One of the quirks of BHS is that the ventilation system in my office connects to the FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) classroom. For the past few days, around 10:45, the smell of warm cookies has been permeating my office. As is my obligation, I promptly walk to the classroom to ensure that everything is okay. This week students have been experimenting with different cookie recipes and the results have been very tasty! In “Introduction to Foods”, taught by Jill Pelletier, students gain hands-on experience in preparing and serving foods using a wide variety of ingredients and cooking methods. In addition to learning a valuable life skill students also applying measuring and math concepts in a practical setting. I am looking forward to future lessons the class will have on cakes and pastries.

    Athletic Schedule

    Below are the games scheduled for the week ahead (please confirm with your athlete as schedules do change). For up to date schedule information please visit the BHS Athletics Website 

    • Monday, March 10
    • Tuesday, March 11
      • PLAYOFFS Girls Ice Hockey (5:00PM)
    • Wednesday, March 12
    • Thursday, March 13
      • Girls Varsity Spirit (TBA)
    • Friday, March 14
    • Saturday, March 15
      • PLAYOFFS Girls Ice Hockey (TBA)

    Events this Week

    • Monday, March 10
      • Even Day
    • Tuesday, March 11
      • Early College and Career Planning (online) 6:00PM
    • Wednesday, March 12
    • Thursday, March 13
      • Even Day
      • Junior Parents Night (In-Person) 6:00PM
    • Friday, March 14
      • Odd Day
      • Spring Athletic Eligibility Check
      • School Meeting
      • Annual School District Meeting 6:00PM at BHS

    Important Links


    Social Media Accounts

  • Group picture of the best buddies club
    Mar 3, 2025 · Bow High School

    News from the Nest: 3/2/25

    Hello Everyone. I hope that you all had a great February Break. This week many of our athletic teams will be involved in playoff games. I encourage you to head out to cheer on our Falcons as they compete over the coming two weeks. 

    Before we know it, Spring Athletics will be starting up. Here is the link to register if you have not already done so: Athletics Registration

    Although it is over a month from now, on April 9th, our 11th grade students will be participating in required state testing. Be on the lookout for more information in the coming weeks and how we can help support our students in performing their best.

    Please let me know if you need anything and have a great week.

    Youth Risk Behavior Survey

    On Wednesday, March 12th, BHS students will be participating in the New Hampshire Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). The YRBS is a survey of students in grades 9 through 12 that assesses priority health-risk behaviors, including (1) behaviors that result in unintentional injuries and violence; (2) tobacco use; (3) alcohol and other drug use; (4) sexual behaviors that could contribute to HIV infection, other sexually transmitted diseases, and unintended pregnancies; (5) unhealthy dietary behaviors; (6) physical inactivity; and (7) risk behavior perception and family support.

    According to the state, “the YRBS is an important tool for measuring the health of New Hampshire’s youth. The majority of New Hampshire public high schools have long recognized the value of YRBS data to monitor health risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death, disability, and social problems among youth in our state. This valid, longitudinal data is used to assess the effectiveness of prevention and intervention programs and to procure additional funding for issues identified by the survey to best serve youth and communities across the state.”

    If you do not want to have your student participate in the survey please have this form returned to their school counselor: YRBS Opt Out. Additionally, if a student starts the survey and decides not to finish it, they can end at any time. This survey is strictly confidential.

    March: Music in our Schools Month

    The month of March is recognized as “music in our schools month”. We are fortunate that the communities of Bow and Dunbarton have been so supportive of our music and performing arts program and I am grateful for everything the Bow Pops does to provide our students with opportunities. On Friday, March 14th we will be hosting Pianist Ilya Yakushev. He is a world renowned musician and will be sharing his talents with us. On March 22nd Bow High School hosts NH Large Group Festival. Then, on March 26th, BHS hosts the annual district music concert. This is always a great event that showcases our musicians in each school. I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming concerts.

    Parents and Guardians: Class of 2025

    The week before February Break we hosted a brief meeting with family members of the Class of 2025. Here is a recording of that meeting: Class of 2025 

    Interact Events Coming Up

    The BHS Interact Club has two events coming up to support the local organization Waypoint. First, they have bingo night on March 7th. There is no entry fee but they will be accepting donations to Waypoint. Interact will also be hosting the Waypoint sleepout on March 21, and will be accepting donations for that event as well. Please reach out with any questions. 

    National Honor Society Tutoring

    NHS is offering tutoring for any students in need.  If you would like to submit a tutoring request, please fill out this form: 


    Student School Board Representatives

    Students in grades 9-11 are invited to run for student school board representative. This is an excellent way to participate in local government and influence decisions impacting schools. Please click this link for more information: Student School Board Elections

    SAT Preparation

    The BHS Math Department will be offering another SAT math test practice session during flex this Friday, 3/7 in room 2216.  A google classroom has been created and resources will be posted; for those that would like to participate, the join code is fv7xvi6.  We are looking forward to having you with us!

    Community Wellness Event

    Please join families in SAU 67 at the Health and Wellness Fair on March 4th. Visit this link for more details: Event

    In the Classroom

    Prior to February Break, students in Ms. O’Brienhalla and Mrs. Pauley’s American Dream class were studying the rise of fascism in Nazi Germany during the 1930s. Students engaged in note taking and discussion on the steps that were taken to turn Germany from a democracy into a dictatorship. Among the elements that students learned about was how the aftermath of World War I and the effect of the Treaty of Versailles influenced events of the early 30s. As part of this unit of study students will see how the Great Depression impacted both domestic and global events. 

    Athletic Schedule

    Below are the games scheduled for the week ahead (please confirm with your athlete as schedules do change). For up to date schedule information please visit the BHS Athletics Website 

    • Monday, March 03
      • No games scheduled
    • Tuesday, March 04
      • PLAYOFFS: Boys Varsity Basketball
      • PLAYOFFS: Girls Varsity Ice Hockey
    • Wednesday, March 05
      • PLAYOFFS: Girls Varsity Basketball
      • PLAYOFFS: Boys Varsity Hockey
      • PLAYOFFS: Nordic Skiing
    • Thursday, March 06
      • No games scheduled
    • Friday, March 07
      • PLAYOFFS: Boys Varsity Basketball
      • PLAYOFFS: Girls Varsity Ice Hockey
    • Saturday, March 08
      • PLAYOFFS: Girls Varsity Basketball
      • PLAYOFFS: Boys Varsity Ice Hockey

    Events this Week

    • Monday, March 03
      • Odd Day
    • Tuesday, March 04
      • Even Day
      • Community Wellness Fair
    • Wednesday, March 05
      • Odd Day
    • Thursday, March 06
      • Even Day
      • School Board Meeting (6:00)
    • Friday, March 07
      • Odd Day
      • Bingo Night

    Important Links


    Social Media Accounts

  • Students celebrate at basketball game
    Feb 24, 2025 · Bow High School

    News from the Nest: 2/21/25

    Hello Everyone. I am sending an abbreviated Friday version of “News from the Nest” as we head into February Break. Please reach out to me if there is anything you need and have a great break!

    Music and the Arts

    I am excited for Music in our School's Month coming in March. Next week I will highlight some specific events the school community is invited to attend. This includes an art show on March 26th prior to the district music concert. I think you will be impressed with the work of our students. Thank you to all of our district’s art teachers and especially Sarah Bragg and Sophia Tucker at BHS.

    Class of 2025 Family Meeting

    Here is a recording of the Class of 2025 Family Meeting we hosted on Tuesday that highlights upcoming Senior events: Class of 2025 

    There will also be updates and letters sent to Senior Families with all of the important dates and information as we get closer to the end of the year.

    School Meeting

    On Wednesday we had a school meeting in which Staff took on the Unified Basketball Team. Here is a photo album with highlights: February School Meeting

    Athletic Success

    A few of our athletic teams compete off campus so I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight two of them.

    The BHS Swim Team competed in the State Tournament last weekend. Senior Lena Thompson was a 2 X state champion in the 100 fly and 100 free, subsequently setting new BHS records in both.  Lena also swam a leg in both the 200 Medley, and 200 Free relays which placed 3rd, and the 4th respectively.

    Other individual winners, Junior Emily Hou placed 6th in 100 breaststroke, Junior Sabine 

    Karanough 7th in backstroke & freshman Ava Popielarz placed 11th in both 100 free & 100 breast. Emily, Sabine and Ava comprised the other legs of the 200 Med. 200 free relays along with Lena.

    The 400 relay team, consisting of  Freshman Molly Key, Senior Olivia Shippos, Senior Anna Fellers and anchor, Senior Sabine Karanouh placed 4th in an epic race to reach the podium for the extra team points.

    Bow finished 3rd in the state after the swim only portion, and ended up in 4th place overall after the diving scores were added in. BHS had only 7 swimmers at the state competition, and this was an amazing team performance!!!    

    In Nordic Skiing Jack Kohl is one of our tri-captains and leads the boys team. Jack has routinely been first to the finish line for our Bow skiers. He has excelled in both classic and skate disciplines.

    Ashe McKeen is also one of our tri-captains and she has led the girls team. She sets the bar for the other girls to beat and has scored points for Bow in every race this season.

    Makaylie Laws rounds out our tri-captain trio. Makaylie has also scored points for Bow in every race this season and often manages our waxing sessions.

    Olivia Rodgers fills out our senior roster. New to nordic skiing and the team, Olivia has excelled and worked diligently to master the two very different disciplines. Olivia's strength is definitely the classic style and she came in first for Bow at our recent race in Hanover.

    Congratulations to both our Swim and Nordic Skiing Teams!

    Athletic Schedule

    Below are the games scheduled for the week ahead (please confirm with your athlete as schedules do change). For up to date schedule information please visit the BHS Athletics Website

    • Monday, February 24
      • Boys JV Basketball @ Sanborn (5:00pm)
      • Boys Varsity Basketball @ Sanborn (6:30pm)
      • Girls JV Basketball vs Sanborn (5:30pm)
      • Girls Varsity Basketball vs Sanborn (7:00pm)
    • Tuesday, February 25
      • Girls Ice Hockey vs Hanover (8:10pm)
    • Wednesday, February 26
      • Boys Ice Hockey @ PEA - Exeter High School (1:00pm)
    • Thursday, February 27
      • No games scheduled
    • Friday, February 28
      • Girls JV Basketball @ Lebanon (5:00pm)
      • Girls Varsity Basketball @ Lebanon (5:30pm)
      • Boys JV Basketball vs Lebanon (5:30pm)
      • Boys Varsity Basketball vs Lebanon (7:00pm)
    • Saturday, March 01
      • Girls Varsity Spirit @ BG Winter Classic
      • Varsity Wrestling @ Meet of Champions (Pinkerton Academy)
      • Boys Ice Hockey @ Windham (6:30pm)

    Events this Week

    • School Vacation Week

    Important Links


    Social Media Accounts

  • Guest speaker in world studies class.
    Feb 18, 2025 · Bow High School

    News from the Nest: 2/16/25

    Hello Everyone. This is the last week before February break. We have a school meeting on Wednesday in which staff will take on the Unified Basketball Team. It should be a fun event and a good way to go into break. Events like school meetings are valuable in building community and they help create connections between people. The schedule for Wednesday can be found here: Wednesday Schedule

    I hope that all of you are able to find some downtime and have fun over February break. Have a great week!

    Parents and Guardians: Class of 2025

    Brenda Barth, Jacob Ross, Lucy Koup and I would like to invite parents of Seniors to a virtual parent/guardian meeting on February 18th from 6:00 to 6:30. The goal of the meeting will be to share end of the year events and answer any questions. Below is information on signing on to the meeting:

    Class of 2025 Parent Meeting

    Video call link: https://meet.google.com/cgf-​uejc-jmu

    Or dial: ‪(US) +1 518-531-6407‬ PIN: ‪394 782 985‬#

    Congratulations Dancers

    The students below won a total of 8 gold medals and 2 high gold medals In their teen/senior senior division routines, which included ballet, modern ballet, contemporary ballet, jazz, hip-hop, tap and musical theater. Their studio, Creative Dance Workshop of Bow, also won 5 choreography awards for those pieces. Congratulations!

    Maddie Lahey, Paige Moreau, Claire Wilke, Elise Boullion, Maggie Adams, Kaylee Leonard, Lydia Griffin, Mallory Hinck, Olivia Rapp, Delaney Amsden

    National Honor Society Tutoring

    NHS is offering tutoring for any students in need.  If you would like to submit a tutoring request, please fill out this form: 


    Skiing Success

    Congratulations to the Bow High School Alpine Ski Team who competed in the state championship this past week. Our skiers did very well and Madelyn Hebert and Cavot Blaney both qualified for the Meet of Champions by finishing in the top 10. 

    Community Wellness Event

    Please join families in SAU 67 at the Health and Wellness Fair on March 4th. Visit this link for more details: Event

    Visit from Korean Consulate

    On Friday some of our America in the World classes were visited by a representative from the Korean Consulate. They spoke about their country as well as US-Korea relations. It is pretty remarkable that our students have these opportunities and it is due to the hard work of our America in the World teachers who develop relationships to bring in these speakers.

    Winter Indoor Track

    Our Falcons represented BHS very well last weekend at the D2 State Championship for Indoor Track.

    Hannah Pawlowski soared to her all time best in the 600m for a repeat State Title in that event and a new school record. She was also faster than all runners in the D1 race and moves on to New England’s in Boston on Mar 1st.

    Kody McCranie finished 2nd in the 300m with his all time best and a new school record. His time was 4th in the state so he also moves on to New England’s.

    Julia Hou ran her all time best in the 1000m for a 4th place finish in D2.

    Our High Jump crew was outstanding with Camden Wilson taking 3rd, Keegan O’Meara 4th, and Emily Fauteux 5th.

    And our 4x800 boys team, Thomas Sargent, Wyatt Worcester, Sam Kohl, and George Kohl, cut their previous time down 10 seconds to accomplish a 5th place finish.

    BHS Interact Club Looking for Donations

    The BHS Interact Club will be accepting clothing donations to help the Friends of Forgotten Children in Concord, NH as they are desperate for new, or clean and gently used, clothing for adults and children.  If you have any items that you wish to donate, there will be a bin labeled "BHS Interact" at both BHS and BMS near the main offices.  All donations will be greatly appreciated through the end of the school day on Friday, February 14th.  Thank you for all of your support!  Please reach out to Colony Barrett (cbarrett@bownet.org) or Joy Chaffee (jchaffee@bownet.org) with any questions.

    Best Buddies Fundraiser

    Please consider supporting BHS Best Buddies by purchasing raffle tickets for a chance to win Mrs. Barth’s parking spot for the month of March!

    Tickets will be sold from February 10-20 during lunch periods.

    Ticket Prices: $1 for 1 ticket, $5 for 6 tickets or $10 for 13 tickets.

    In the Classroom

    Students in Madam Barrett’s French 2 class have been studying French grammar and practicing adjectives. When I visited on Friday morning for a few minutes I was able to enjoy one of my favorite French words - chocolat! 

    There are many reasons why students should study a world language. One of the best ways to develop empathy and understanding of others is to learn a language. Language is one of the elements of culture and, in a world that is so interconnected, speaking a second language has huge benefits.Studying a language also strengthens a student’s understanding of their own native language’s grammar and syntax. We are fortunate to have such a strong language program at BHS.

    Athletic Schedule

    Below are the games scheduled for the week ahead (please confirm with your athlete as schedules do change). For up to date schedule information please visit the BHS Athletics Website

    • Monday, February 17
      • No games scheduled
    • Tuesday, February 18 
      • Alpine Skiing Meet of Champions (TBA)
      • Girls JV Basketball @ Pembroke (5:00PM)
      • Girls Varsity Basketball @ Pembroke (7:00PM)
      • Boys JV Basketball vs Pembroke (5:30PM)
      • Boys Varsity Basketball vs Pembroke (7:00PM)
    • Wednesday, February 19
      • Nordic Skiing @ Hopkinton (3:00PM)
      • Girls Ice Hockey @ Concord (5:30PM)
      • Boys Ice Hockey @ Bishop Guertin (7:50PM)
    • Thursday, February 20
      • No games scheduled
    • Friday, February 21
      • Boys JV Basketball @ Plymouth (4:30PM)
      • Boys Varsity Basketball @ Plymouth (6:00PM)
      • Girls JV Basketball vs Plymouth (5:30PM)
      • Girls Varsity Basketball vs Plymouth (7:00PM)
    • Saturday, February 22
      • Varsity Spirit @ Concord (TBA)
      • Wrestling @ ConVal (9:00AM)
      • Girls Ice Hockey vs Berlin (3:20PM)
      • Boys Ice Hockey vs Keene (7:30PM)

    Events this Week

    • Monday, February 17
      • Even Day
    • Tuesday, February 18
      • Odd Day
    • Wednesday, February 19
    • Thursday, February 20
      • Odd Day
    • Friday, February 21
      • Even Day

    Important Links


    Social Media Accounts

  • Students sitting with their world fair project.
    Feb 9, 2025 · Bow High School

    News from the Nest: 2/9/25

    Hello Everyone. We want to thank you for your patience as a bug in Alma was fixed. Now that the tech issue has been resolved students can enter their course selections for next year. For directions on how to select courses please click here: Alma Scheduling Directions

    If you would like more information about scheduling, including specific presentations for each grade level, please click this link: BHS Website: Scheduling. Course selections are due 2/14/25. Do not hesitate to reach out to a school counselor if you have any questions.

    On Wednesday we have our Career Day. Students needed to have signed up for speakers to be able to attend a session. Thank you to Maureen Ariel for providing this opportunity!

    I hope you all have a great week. 

    Preparation for State Testing & SAT

    The BHS Math Department will be offering SAT math test practice sessions during flex before the required State Assessment day in early April.  The first session will be in room 2216 during flex this Friday, 2/14.  A google classroom has been created and resources will be posted; for those that would like to participate, the join code is fv7xvi6.  Please connect with your math teacher with any questions that you may have!  We are looking forward to having you with us. 

    National Honor Society Tutoring

    NHS is offering tutoring for any students in need.  If you would like to submit a tutoring request, please fill out this form: 


    Community Wellness Event

    Please join families in SAU 67 at the Health and Wellness Fair on March 4th. Visit this link for more details: Event

    Winter Indoor Track

    Bow High School has a tremendous Indoor Track Team coached by Dan Attori and Amy King. This weekend they are competing at the Championships at PSU. Our Falcons will be competing in the following events:

    • High Jump: Camden Wilson (1st seed), Emily Fauteux, Keegan O’Meara, and Reanne Hubbard
    • Long Jump: Autumn Bureau
    • Hurdles: Emily Fauteux, Vita Flagg, & Liam Miller
    • 1000m: Julia Hou
    • 600m: Hannah Pawlowski (1st seed)
    • 300m: Kody McCranie (3rd seed)
    • In addition to these individual events, our girls 4x200 and 4x400, plus our boys 4x800, 4x400, and 4x200 will also be competing for one of the coveted top 6 medal-winning spots. Athletes in the relays include those mentioned above and Thomas Sargent, Wyatt Worcester, Sam Kohl, George Kohl, Zach Ingram, Luke Darling, Jack Noce, Lucas Slayton, and Ian Sandall.

    It is no easy feat to earn one of those spots. The athletes must finish the season in one of the top 12-16 places (depending on the event) out of the 40+ teams in Division 2 in NH. Congratulations and good luck to our student-athletes!

    BHS Interact Club Looking for Donations

    The BHS Interact Club will be accepting clothing donations to help the Friends of Forgotten Children in Concord, NH as they are desperate for new, or clean and gently used, clothing for adults and children.  If you have any items that you wish to donate, there will be a bin labeled "BHS Interact" at both BHS and BMS near the main offices.  All donations will be greatly appreciated through the end of the school day on Friday, February 14th.  Thank you for all of your support!  Please reach out to Colony Barrett (cbarrett@bownet.org) or Joy Chaffee (jchaffee@bownet.org) with any questions.

    Winter Dance Recap

    A huge thank you goes out to Melissa Cook, Michelle Hlavaz, and their class officers for organizing the dance and to all of the staff who chaperoned.

    Best Buddies Fundraiser

    Please consider supporting BHS Best Buddies by purchasing raffle tickets for a chance to win Mrs. Barth’s parking spot for the month of March!

    Tickets will be sold from February 10-20 during lunch periods.

    Ticket Prices: $1 for 1 ticket, $5 for 6 tickets or $10 for 13 tickets.

    Parents and Guardians: Class of 2025

    Brenda Barth, Jacob Ross, Lucy Koup and I would like to invite parents of Seniors to a virtual parent/guardian meeting on February 18th from 6:00 to 6:30. The goal of the meeting will be to share end of the year events and answer any questions. Below is information on signing on:

    Class of 2025 Parent Meeting

    Video call link: https://meet.google.com/cgf-​uejc-jmu

    Or dial: ‪(US) +1 518-531-6407‬ PIN: ‪394 782 985‬#

    In the Classroom

    On Friday our 10th grade students participated in the World’s Fair. Students, in the weeks leading up to the fair, practiced research skills and learned about their assigned country’s history, geography, economy, and cultural traditions. Students created a trifold poster that summarized their research while also finding cultural artifacts, including food, to share with others. A big component of World’s Fair is students presenting to others and answering questions. This is a skill, the ability to communicate orally, that will be transferable to other situations in and out of school.

    So many people made this event possible but I would especially like to thank and recognize the America in the World teachers, the Special Education teachers and Paraprofessionals who helped support students in their work, and the BHS staff who volunteered to assess student’s presentations.

    Athletic Schedule

    Below are the games scheduled for the week ahead (please confirm with your athlete as schedules do change). For up to date schedule information please visit the BHS Athletics Website

    • Monday, February 10
      • Alpine Skiing Boys @ Crotched Mtn (9:00AM)
      • Boys Ice Hockey @ Pinkerton (3:00PM)
      • Unified Basketball Jamboree @ MV (3:45PM
      • Girls Ice Hockey vs Souhegan (6:10PM)
    • Tuesday, February 
      • Alpine Skiing Girls @ Cranmore Mtn (9:00AM)
      • Girls JV Basketball @ Oyster River (5:00PM)
      • Girls Varsity Basketball @ Oyster River (6:30PM)
      • Boys JV Basketball vs Oyster River (5:30PM)
      • Boys Varsity Basketball vs Oyster River (7:00PM)
    • Wednesday, February 
      • Nordic Skiing @ Oak Hill (TBA)
      • Wrestling vs Plymouth (6:00PM)
      • Girls Ice Hockey vs Bedford (7:20PM)
    • Thursday, February
      • No Games Scheduled
    • Friday, February 
      • Girls JV Basketball @ Pelham (5:00PM)
      • Girls Varsity Basketball @ Pelham (6:30PM)
      • Boys JV Basketball vs Pelham (5:30PM)
      • Boys Varsity Basketball vs Pelham (7:00PM) 
    • Saturday, February 
      • Girls Varsity Spirit @ Pinkerton Academy (TBA)
      • Girls Ice Hockey @ St. Thomas Aquinas (8:30PM)

    Events this Week

    • Monday, February 10
      • Odd Day
      • District Budget Hearing and School Board Meeting (6:00PM)
    • Tuesday, February 11
      • Even Day
    • Wednesday, February 12
      • Odd Day
      • Career Day (11 - 1)
      • Math Meet Away
    • Thursday, February 13
      • Even Day
    • Friday, February 14
      • Odd Day

    Important Links


    Social Media Accounts

  • Student participating in Harvard model united nations give a thumbs up to the camera
    Feb 3, 2025 · Bow High School

    News from the Nest: 2/2/25

    Message from the Principal

    Hello Everyone. This Friday is World’s Fair Day at BHS. This is a tradition at our school and one that is looked forward to each year. This year students in the “America in the World” classes researched a country and on Friday will share what they learned with their peers and guests. I encourage anyone who is interested to come by the school and check out the hard work of our students.

    Although there are still many months left in the school year, we have begun the process of scheduling classes for next year. Our school counseling staff is available to students if they have any questions about this process. I want to acknowledge Martha Rae, our Registrar, for all of the time and effort she has put into getting grades out to colleges for our seniors and setting up our new Alma system to begin scheduling. Martha is a wonderful colleague and does so much for the students and staff at BHS.

    For more information about scheduling, including specific presentations for each grade level, please click this link: BHS Website: Scheduling

    I hope you all have a great week. 

    *CRTC *

    On Monday CRTC visited with 10th grade students to introduce the programs available to them. Please click on the link provided here for a copy of information Kate Kulacz sent out to sophomores this past week: CRTC Information 10th Grade

    Model UN

    Thank you to Nick Watson and Michelle Hlavaz for taking a group of students to Harvard Model UN. Our students have represented the UAE in various committees and have shown themselves to be an outstanding delegation. If you are interested in learning more about Model UN please contact either Mr. Watson, Ms. Hlavaz or myself.

    Flex Day: February 5th

    This Wednesday is our next Flex Day. Staff submitted the names of students they needed to meet with and I created each student’s schedule. Students (and their families) who were assigned a Flex Day appointment received an email from me with their scheduled times. 

    One of the reasons that we offer Flex Days is to provide an opportunity for students to receive support during, or immediately after, a unit of study rather than waiting until the end of the year. This day also provides students with a chance to complete community service hours, work on long-term projects, or engage in other activities. If a student received an appointment time it is important that they arrive promptly to work with their teacher.

    Valentines Dance - February 8th

    The Valentines Dance, sponsored by the Sophomore Class, will take place Saturday, February 8th from 7:00 to 10:00 PM. Tickets are on sale this week during lunches and cost $10. Guest forms are available in the Main Office as well as here. Please remember that students need to have their IDs to gain entry. 

    SAU 67 Snapshot

    The Strategic Plans for each of the schools in SAU 67, and the SAU itself, can be found online along with a snapchat of some data. Here is the link to check it out: SAU 67 Snapchat

    Career Fair on February 12, 2025

    Students, on 2/12/25 we will be hosting a Career Fair at Bow High School from 11:00AM-1:00PM.  This is a great and easy way to earn career exploration hours (a graduation requirement!) and learn about some amazing careers.  You can choose what presentations you would like to attend from the list of speakers below, but you need to sign up by 2/7/25 to attend.  

    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Maureen Ariel or your School Counselor.


    In the Classroom

    Students in Bethany McKilen’s Integrated Physical Science class have been studying energy and matter. On Friday, her class finished watching a short video where a house was powered by humans riding bicycles to provide energy (Hmmm - new idea for detentions??). Among the things that they have started to learn are the five different forms of energy and the ways that energy is used in our daily lives. In addition to teaching content, our science teachers also help students develop their academic skills such as organizing and taking notes - a skill applicable across disciplines.

    Athletic Schedule

    Below are the games scheduled for the week ahead (please confirm with your athlete as schedules do change). For up to date schedule information please visit the BHS Athletics Website

    • Monday, February 03
      • Girls Varsity Basketball vs Kennett (6:00PM)
      • Girls Gymnastics @ Windham HS (7:00PM)
    • Tuesday, February 04
      • Alpine Skiing @ Sunapee (10:00AM)
      • Nordic Skiing @ Concord - Beaver Meadow (2:30PM)
      • Boys JV Basketball @ Merrimack Valley (5:00PM)
      • Boys Varsity Basketball @ Merrimack Valley (6:30PM)
      • Girls JV Basketball vs Merrimack Valley (5:30PM)
      • Girls Varsity Basketball vs Merrimack Valley (7:00PM)
    • Wednesday, February 05
      • Boys Ice Hockey @ Concord (5:30PM)
      • Wrestling @ Winnisquam (6:00PM)
      • Swimming @ UNH (7:30PM)
    • Thursday, February 06
      • Unified Basketball @ Tournament - Merrimack Valley (3:30PM)
    • Friday, February 07
      • Boys JV Basketball @ Milford (5:00PM)
      • Boys Varsity Basketball @ Milford (6:30PM)
      • Girls JV Basketball vs Milford (5:30PM)
      • Girls Varsity vs Milford (7:00PM)
    • Saturday, February 08
      • Wrestling @ Nashua North (9:30AM)
      • Nordic Skiing @ Kennett High School (10:00AM)
      • Boys Ice Hockey @ Trinity High School (2:00PM)
    • Sunday, February 09
      • Indoor Track @ Plymouth State University

    Events this Week

    • Monday, February 03
      • Odd Day
    • Tuesday, February 04
      • Even Day
    • Wednesday, February 05
      • Flex Day
    • Thursday, February 06
      • Odd Day
      • Bow School Board Meeting (6:00PM)
    • Friday, February 07
      • Even Day
      • World’s Fair

    Important Links


    Social Media Accounts

  • Students celebrate during basketball game.
    Jan 27, 2025 · Bow High School

    News from the Nest: 1/26/25

    Hello Everyone. This past week we had two medical issues that led to us closing down the hallway by the nurse's office for a short time. The reason that we do this is to make it easy on paramedics who arrive in an ambulance to maneuver their gurney, and to provide privacy to the individual being transported. In both cases Bow EMT arrived quickly and BHS staff did a tremendous job providing care.

    This coming week we have a couple of events focused on planning for the 25-26 school year. Please take a moment to review what we have coming up and be in contact if there are any questions I can answer.

    Have a great week.

    CRTC Roadshow

    On Monday faculty from the Concord Regional Technology Center will be visiting BHS to share the various programs they offer. Both of my sons have taken classes at CRTC so I can attest to the many great opportunities that are provided by the program. If you would like to visit their website here is the link: CRTC

    Please note that there is a very strict deadline for applying to CRTC programs. If students have any questions I encourage them to make an appointment with their school counselor.

    Valentines Dance - February 8th

    The Valentines Dance, sponsored by the Sophomore Class, will take place Saturday, February 8th from 7:00 to 10:00 PM. Guest forms are available in the Main Office as well as here.

    Athletic Milestones

    This past week Head Boy’s Hockey Coach Tim Walsh earned his 300th victory behind the bench for the Falcons. Congratulations Tim!

    On Friday, Junior Jake Reardon scored his 1000th point for Falcon’s Basketball. This milestone speaks to Jake’s dedication and hard work. Great job Jake!

    And on Saturday, Senior Owen Webber earned his 100th point for Falcon Hockey. Owen is a leader on and off the ice. Awesome job Owen!

    Rotary's Annual 4-Way Test Speech Contest

    The Rotary Club of Bow conducts an annual public speaking contest to challenge high school students to develop their public-speaking skills and to explore how they make decisions that affect other people.  The basis of the contest is Rotary's "Four-Way Test," a tool to encourage ethical decision making.  Bow Rotary awards cash prizes to the top three speakers and sends the winner on to compete against winners from other clubs in our district, which includes much of southern New Hampshire and Vermont.  If you are interested and wish to apply, more information on this contest can be found here, along with the application form

    World’s Fair (February 7, 2025)

    One of the ongoing traditions at Bow High School is the World’s Fair in which students research the history, culture, and people of a country, and then present what they have learned to the community. This is an exciting day and is the culmination of months worth of work by the students. I hope that if you are able to do so you come visit the school on the 7th and see what our students have learned.

    SAU 67 Snapshot

    The Strategic Plans for each of the schools in SAU 67, and the SAU itself, can be found online along with a snapchat of some data. Here is the link to check it out: SAU 67 Snapchat

    School District Annual Meeting

    The Annual Meeting for the Bow School District will take place on March 14th at 6:00 right here at BHS. For those of you who live in Dunbarton, the Annual Meeting for the Dunbarton School District is March 8th at the elementary school.

    Career Fair on February 12, 2025

    Students, on 2/12/25 we will be hosting a Career Fair at Bow High School from 11:00AM-1:00PM.  This is a great and easy way to earn career exploration hours (a graduation requirement!) and learn about some amazing careers.  You can choose what presentations you would like to attend from the list of speakers below, but you need to sign up by 2/7/25 to attend.  

    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Maureen Ariel or your School Counselor.


    In the Classroom

    A semester class that began this past week is “Child Development” taught by Michelle Hlavaz. In this class students learn about the physical, emotional, and intellectual development of children. Throughout the early part of the semester Ms. Hlavaz invites guest readers to visit her students and read a children’s story that resonates with them. The students, after listening to the story, then discuss the age level appropriateness of the book and how the book was read. This is a great class for any student who is interested in a career in education or just wants to learn more about how children grow and develop.

    Athletic Schedule

    Below are the games scheduled for the week ahead (please confirm with your athlete as schedules do change). For up to date schedule information please visit the BHS Athletics Website

    • Monday, January 27
      • Indoor Track @ Pinkerton Academy (5:00PM)
      • Girls Gymnastics @ Timberlane (5:00PM)
    • Tuesday, January 28
      • Alpine Skiing @ Sunapee (10:00AM)
      • ESports @ Bedford (4:00PM)
      • Boys JV Basketball @ Pembroke (5:30PM)
      • Boys Varsity Basketball @ Pembroke (7:00PM)
      • Girls JV Basketball vs Pembroke (5:30PM)
      • Girls Varsity Basketball vs Pembroke (7:00PM)
    • Wednesday, January 29
      • Alpine Skiing @ Proctor (4:00PM)
      • Wrestling @ John Stark (7:00PM)
      • Boys Hockey vs Manchester Central (7:30PM)
      • Girls Hockey vs Exeter (8:00PM)
    • Thursday, January 30
      • Nordic Skiing @ Gunstock (2:30PM)
    • Friday, January 31
      • Alpine Skiing @ Waterville Valley (10:00AM)
      • Unified Basketball vs Plymouth (3:30PM)
      • Boys JV Basketball @ Kennett (5:00PM)
      • Boys Varsity Basketball @ Kennett (6:30PM)
      • Girls JV Basketball vs Kennett (5:30PM)
      • Girls Varsity Basketball vs Kennett (7:00PM)
    • Saturday, February 01
      • Wrestling @ Concord Tournament (9:00AM)
      • Indoor Track @ UNH (10:00AM)
      • Girls Hockey @ Salem (4:00PM)
      • Boys Hockey vs Oyster River (7:30PM)

    Events this Week

    • Monday, January 27
      • Even Day
      • CRTC Roadshow
    • Tuesday, January 28
      • Odd Day
    • Wednesday, January 29
      • Even Day
    • Thursday, January 30
      • Odd Day
      • Harvard Model UN Departs
    • Friday, January 31
      • Even Day
      • NHTI Field Trip

    Important Links


    Social Media Accounts

  • NFTN
    Jan 19, 2025 · Bow High School

    News from the Nest: 1/19/25

    Message from the Principal

    Hello Everyone. There will not be school on Monday in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. As we take the day to reflect, I think it is important to recognize that this day can, and should, be a day of service. Here is one of my favorite quotes from Dr King: “Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace..” As we take a break from school I hope that all of us continue to look for ways to help those in need.

    In addition to being MLK Day, Monday is also Inauguration Day. The Inauguration itself should begin at roughly 12:00 PM and is available to watch on television and online. 

    I hope you all have a great week and a strong start to the Second Semester.

    Tuesday, January 21, 2025 Schedule

    Tuesday is going to be a “skinny day” as we begin the Second Semester. Here is the schedule: Jan 21, 2025

    Valentines Dance - February 8th

    The Valentines Dance, sponsored by the Sophomore Class, will take place Saturday, February 8th from 7:00 to 10:00 PM. Guest forms are available in the Main Office as well as here.

    4-H Robotics Club

    Last week, the local 4-H Robotics Club, Team 7078 Ov3R1y K0Mp13X (Overly Complex) competed in the FIRST Tech Challenge competition at The Derryfield School. This was the first competition of the season and they started off strong. After going undefeated in the qualifying rounds the team and their alliance partner dominated the finals to win it all, beating out 24 other teams for the top spot! They have secured their place in the State Championship and are recognized among the top 15% of teams in the WORLD!

    The team’s hard work and dedication also secured them two judging awards.  1st Place Control Award and 2nd Place Inspire Award. Three students on the team attend Bow High School. If you see Allison Baier, Ben Watford, or Teddy Hood, please congratulate them on their amazing accomplishment! 

    Helping Out Around the Building

    Did you know that during the day there is only one custodian to help maintain the cleanliness and safety of the building? Mike Laughlin is a terrific person and does a great job to keep our school clean (or “fresh” as some might say). At the same time, Mike learns who our students are by name and what their interests are outside of school. We can all do more to help Mike and the evening custodial crew by picking up our messes and being responsible. Thank you for your help.

    SAU 67 Snapshot

    The Strategic Plans for each of the schools in SAU 67, and the SAU itself, can be found online along with a snapchat of some data. Here is the link to check it out: SAU 67 Snapchat

    Career Fair on February 12, 2025

    Students, on 2/12/25 we will be hosting a Career Fair at Bow High School from 11:00AM-1:00PM.  This is a great and easy way to earn career exploration hours (a graduation requirement!) and learn about some amazing careers.  

    You can choose what presentations you would like to attend from the list of speakers below.  Please remember that if you sign up, it is expected that you attend the full thirty minute presentation.  Bring your questions as each presentation will allow for Q and A time.  Feel free to go to a presentation every 30 minutes or just select one or two that you are curious about.

    IMPORTANT - You need to sign up by 2/7/25 to attend.  If you do not sign up, you will not be able to attend.  Sign ups will not be taken after 2/7/25

    Room numbers will be assigned once students have had a chance to sign up.  A list of presenters and their room numbers will be posted in the lobby on the day of the Career Fair. 

    Each room will have a sign-in sheet that students will need to sign.  It is also expected that students put their hours into SchooLinks by 2/19/25 in order to receive career exploration hours for attending this event. 

    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Maureen Ariel or your School Counselor.


    Auditions for Mean Girls

    Auditions for the Spring production of “Mean Girls” will take place January 20th.This promises to be another excellent production!

    In the Classroom

    This past week students in Senior Seminar presented their Final Talks. As what happens each year, I was blown away by the creativity and variety of student projects. One project was Cyrus Labreques’ which sought to draw attention to the sacrifices of service members and culminated in a military appreciation night at a hockey game. Molly Cragon shared how she created her own “Princess Party” business and how she became an entrepreneur. Jackson Hall provided details on how he fixed up his grandfather’s truck and the opportunities available in the automotive industry. And Holden Tefft shared how he volunteered at the Friendly Kitchen and why it is important to support organizations that provide services to others. This is just a small sampling of the amazing things our students did this year and the skills learned will help prepare students for life after BHS.

    Athletic Schedule

    Below are the games scheduled for the week ahead (please confirm with your athlete as schedules do change). For up to date schedule information please visit the BHS Athletics Website

    • Monday, January 20
      • Girls Ice Hockey vs Kingswood (7:00PM)
    • Tuesday, January 21
      • Alpine Skiing @ Sunapee (1:30PM)
    • Wednesday, January 22
      • Boys Ice Hockey @ Londonderry (3:00PM)
      • Nordic Skiing @ Hopkinton Fairgrounds (3:00PM)
      • Wrestling vs Multiple Opponents (6:00PM)
    • Thursday, January 23
      • Indoor Track - Throwers @ Nashua South (3:30PM)
    • Friday, January 24
      • Unified Basketball @ Pembroke (1:00PM)
      • Alpine Skiing @ Crotched Mtn (3:30PM)
      • Girls Varsity Basketball @ John Stark (5:30PM)
      • Boys JV Basketball vs John Stark (5:30PM)
      • Boys Varsity Basketball vs John Stark (7:00PM)
    • Saturday, January 25
      • Wrestling @ Concord Duals (9:00AM)
      • Nordic Skiing @ Plymouth (10:00AM)
      • Girls Ice Hockey vs Lebanon (12:20PM)
      • Boys Ice Hockey vs Windham (5:30PM)
    • Sunday, January 26
      • Swimming @ UNH (9:30AM)
      • Indoor Track @ UNH (10:00AM)

    Events this Week

    • Monday, January 20
      • No School: MLK Day
    • Tuesday, January 21
    • Wednesday, January 22
      • Odd Day
    • Thursday, January 23
      • Even Day
    • Friday, January 24
      • Odd Day

    Important Links


    Social Media Accounts


March 2025