You may have started one of these portfolios at some point. Here is a link to an example that Mr. Dixon built. Well, he started it at least; it'll give you an idea to get yourself going. While this may take more time, the concept is to create a more fully curated impression of who you are. You can tailor this website to whatever you want. It's like creating a digital resume of what you would like people to know about you. Those future employers, the college admissions people, future parents of significant others--who knows who might want to view this? How can you show yourself off with this portfolio?
Include a page or pages for your digital literacy portfolio. But what else could you put in here? You musical and artistic endeavors? Your community service work? Your leadership skills? Your extracurricular work?
While this may take you more time, you could use a portfolio like this to really set yourself apart and build your digital appearance.